I’m A wife and WORKING mom of two, certified Health Coach, entrepreneur and small business owner of The MVMNT Society, and a fitness professional.

I grew up competitive cheerleading, which led to an awareness of weight and what my weight “should be” at a young age. That began the cycle of obsessing over food and, restricting calories and yo-yo dieting. Once I started my journey into teaching fitness, I decided to take control of my nutrition once and for all, to end the food obsession, guilt and negative body talk. Change didn’t happen overnight for me. It took a few months of learning how to balance my meals for nourishment, giving up unhealthy foods and habits, and implementing new habits and rituals that served my best self and health. I finally figured out how to get by day to day without the food obsession AND enjoy the treats. This was life changing! And how I began sharing on social media. If I can do it, anyone can!

I’ve taught fitness for over a decade. I would occasionally have clients approach me after a class complaining of not seeing results. Self-taught on nutrition and health, I knew that living a healthy lifestyle goes beyond the hours you put in a workout. I decided to turn my passion for nutrition and holistic health into a career by enrolling in the Integrative Institute of Nutrition and obtaining my Health Coaching certification, focusing on weight loss, intuitive eating, and the Mind-Body connection. My goal is to help others learn how to fuel their bodies with food that nourishes them while balancing the treats without the guilt. But my work doesn’t end there, because true health goes beyond the food on your plate. My work is to help teach you to take care of your mind, body and soul through nutrition and implementing routines and practices for a healthy lifestyle.